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Far & Impersonal
Don't berate me. Educate me.
Monday, October 24, 2005

Saturday, January 22, 2005
Some fractal things I made up...
Ok, someone convinced me to post this crap. These are fractal "artworks" I made up with a custom script that I created using DrScheme. Since I'm a lazy ass I just used one coloring algorithm for all of them. I call it... The Gold Collection:

The first one I made. Called "flare" Since I still didn't know how to save JPEGs to file I just made a printscreen of the program output. "Fractalo" is the name of the fractal making script.

This is the first one I saved to file. It's called "Phoenix" (pretty obvious, duh).

This is a test of mathematical functions. I just called it "Gold Rush".

Another mathematical test. Warning: Can induce seizures.

Yet another test. This one is called... "Abstract".

Yet more funky math tests... "Drosophila".

See the progression. "Croix".

Now I'm getting serious with the code. "Wheat".

This one requires imagination. "The Terror".

Uhhhh scary. nah...

Now trying asymmetrical functions. "Demon".

Follow the light!!! "Nirvana".

Titles getting more presumptuous. "Hope In A Glass Of Wine".

Last one... "Doorknob".

Monday, June 28, 2004
The Mayans have set up us the bomb!!

Posted by Hello

This is the conjuction that will happen between the Sun and the Milky Way's equator on Dec. the 21st of 2012, when the Mayan Calendar supposedly ends (explanation).

Wow, the mayans were right, crazy & shit! 

Sunday, June 13, 2004
Random Short Fiction #3
Six Sided

"Wow, I just rolled another six! This is the twentieth time in a row!"

"Yeah, I see."

"Aren't you impressed? The probability is just one in more than three quadrillions!"

"So? That doesn't mean it's impossible.

"Maybe I have some sort of power to influence over the outcome of the rolls."

"Why it is so? What makes you think that?"

"Don't you see it? Don't you see how improbable is all this? The dice aren't loaded. You personally chose and tested them."

"Maybe you got specially good at throwing them with your hand."

"Bullshit. All of them are different in size and slightly different in shape. There's no way I could got a handle of it for all of them in so short time."

"But you say you have some sort of 'power' over the outcome."

"Well maybe it's not me. Maybe some supernatural being. God or something."

"Uh-huh. So, you can't accept the posibility that all this is just happening by chance?"

"It could very well be happening by chance. It is just that maybe it isn't happening by change. Don't you think that maybe it's more probable that something unnatural is fixing the outcome of 'my' rolls other than mere chance? Look! Another six!"

"Let's say God is 'rigging' your rolls. He obviously does it in a way that cannot be proven scientifically. By this I mean that no experiment or analisis would show something strange happening like little angels rotating the dice themselves. So, what would make his tampering any different from a random outcome, however improbable it may be?"

"No, but if God, a spirit, or whatever is tampering with the results at least it would show out in the statistics. Don't you think?"

"Tell me how that would prove anything? If there's no unusual physical phenomena you can correlate with the weird statistics, they won't prove anything at all expect that your are incredibly lucky. Do you think your next roll will be another six?"

"Yeah, watch it..."

"No, wait! Tell me. If there's nothing supernatural at hand, the probabilities that you roll another six is still one in six. Right?"

"I think so."

"So, you could roll a five, a three, a two. Any of the other five sides could come out as easily as your six."


"And if you happen to roll anything besides a six what you would make of it? Did God stopped favoring you? Did your mystical mind powers faded away? Would you feel dissapointed? What if everything stops here between you and me and no other soul to be witness to your little miracle? No guinness. No press coverage. No fifteen minutes. Are you still confident you will roll another six?"

"Yes... No. Damnit man! My hands are shacking. What if everything stops here? They where just at least sixty or seventy sixes since yesterday. And you have seen only twenty-one. But still is not like I have never rolled something different to six. Maybe I have been just lucky and my luck will end any moment from now. I can't roll it anymore."

"Oh, don't take it so seriously. Maybe you will roll a four. Then another batch of sixes. That would still be impressive."

"Shut up! I just did something impressive and you have spoiled it for me!"

"Relax already. Just roll them again and see what happens."

"What should I do if I stop rolling sixes?"

"Jeff! The question is: 'What should we do if you keep rolling sixes?'"

"Quick, bring the camcorder!"

I don't know what I exactly tried to say with this short tale. Maybe something to do with ID or something. Whatever...

Monday, December 22, 2003
Random Short Fiction #2
The impossible configuration

One move, just one move, but she couldn't see it.

She recognized the board. She new she was just one move from checkmate. Yet, she was baffled by the position of the pieces. There was no way the game could have reached this state. She once found it shown in a rater mediocre chess book as an exercise. But finding it to be impossible to reach that board configuration she dismissed the problem without attempting to solve it.

Now this young man, who never really showed to be a good chess player when he was alive is defeating her in the only game that she ever played and has knew for an eternity. Humiliating her, this lad has pushed her to this unexplainable position after weeks of constant mind exertion, leaving her with one last opportunity to prove her invincibility. But this all seems more like an elaborate taunt, a laugh at her misery. Like if the youngster knew from the beginning that this move would rob her of all pride and sanity.

He was giving her a simple choice. She could continue pondering the problem until finding the right move, winning the game and sending him to were his destiny appointed. But losing her mind in the process, accepting something that was not possible. A reality that could not be foreordained by destiny in the first place. The other choice was to make the wrong move, resign, and let his opponent win his return to reality. Not accepting that this game could have happened in the first place.

When her mind slipped? When he altered the board without her noticing the least? How could an intellectually arrogant but ultimately stupid man like him, who drown himself to death in alcohol while writing subpar poetry in a bar, could shown himself to be as cunning and deceiving as he bragged to be in his own fucked up reality? Maybe it is time to give up destiny and give the man what he wants instead of what he deserves. For all arrogant fools, including her, deserve, after ten million days of luck, the deepest downfall.

Death has been cheated.

This story didn't ended the way I expected. Maybe I was fooled too.

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